Digital marketing can reach a global audience. However, high-quality localization is essential to truly resonate with users across cultures. Mind Studios, a software company with a decade of experience in developing IT products and LAT Multilingual, a Canadian-based translation, marketing and localization agency with over 20 years of experience are joining forces to explore the crucial role localization plays in making consumers feel understood, and valued, and ultimately, driving sales.

Understanding Your Audience: Making Users Feel Understood and Valued

Imagine browsing a website, using an app or playing a game in your native language, only to encounter inaccurate descriptions, awkward phrasing, or even offensive cultural references.

Consumers feel valued and understood when they can consume content in their language, tailored to their cultural references and preferences. This leads to higher engagement, increased sales conversions, and a stronger brand reputation.

The Limits of Machine Translation: Why Human Expertise Is Crucial

MH-REDMany companies are tempted by the convenience and low costs of automated or AI translation tools. While these tools can be useful in certain situations, they often fail to capture cultural nuances and context. Professional translators with an intimate knowledge of the target language, subject matter and cultural context are irreplaceable. They ensure the translated content conveys the original meaning and tone while adapting it for the local audience. This human touch is key to making your product feel truly “local.”

Localization Done Right!

Mission Hill Winery partnered with LAT to reach the growing Chinese Canadian luxury market. LAT helped Mission Hill create a WeChat account with Chinese customer service and a RED account for shopping and lifestyle content. LAT also promoted the winery on Google with Mandarin and Cantonese language ads, and adapted Mission Hill’s messaging for the Chinese-Canadian audience. Mission Hill increased its brand awareness within this community by using the right digital channels and a tailored approach. For more details, see the case study

Tips for Successful Multilingual Localization from LAT:

  • Plugins: Make the most of available plugins for seamless translation and management of multilingual content. As an official WPML partner, LAT Multilingual offers efficient translation solutions for your WordPress website by minimizing manual copy-pasting of the translated content on the back end and by automatizing translated web page uploads.
  • Comprehensive Quality Testing (QA) and Proofreading: Have professional reviewers perform thorough QA testing and proofreading by clicking through the entire site or app to ensure translations appear correctly and naturally on the front end for an optimal user experience. Some headers can be cut off and words can be truncated during automatic uploads or manual content handling by the developers.
  • Multilingual Adaptation in Layout: Adapt headers and title formats for different languages so as to not impact readability for your target audiences. For example, different languages have different rules for uppercase and lowercase. Sentence divisions might also need to be adapted in the context of the full layout. Some languages (such as French) often require more space than English, which can be tricky when considering the limited space on buttons and CTAs. Moreover, RTL (right-to-left) languages such as Arabic can sometimes cause unexpected design and navigation issues.
  • Multilingual SEO: Make sure you perform your SEO analysis for each of your target languages. Do the necessary due diligence and research in each language to ensure the relevancy and desired impact of the terminology. Implement your keywords for each language when translating your content. Meta tags, titles, and descriptions need to be accurately translated as well.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly update translations to reflect new web or app content, features, or changes in language use. This keeps the website or app relevant and user-friendly.
  • Cultural Adaptation: Adjust images, colour schemes, and symbols to align with the cultural context of the target audience. For example, some colours such as black have negative connotations in Chinese culture while others represent fortune (red), fertility (green) or longevity (gold). Multicultural marketing experts can provide valuable advice to maximize relatability and engagement.
  • Professional Translators and Cultural Experts: Web and application translation goes beyond words and requires adaptation and editing skills to make the content flow seamlessly and resonate with the target audience. A solid knowledge of both languages is not enough. A deep knowledge of the culture and of the latest tech and online lingo is also required for a seamless user experience (UX). Opt for professional translators living in the local market as well as multicultural marketing specialists for maximum impact.

Tips for Successful App Localization from Mind Studios:

  • Leverage localization tools: Many development platforms offer built-in localization tools for managing translations and language switching.
  • Build for localization from the start: Design your app or website with a modular architecture that easily accommodates different languages and layouts.
  • Test thoroughly: Test your localized app or website extensively with native speakers to ensure everything functions smoothly and the user experience is seamless.
  • Build a flexible interface: Ensure your user interface can accommodate different text lengths, orientations and fonts for various languages.
  • Team up with pros: Ensure your app resonates with various audiences, make sure to work with seasoned developers and translators who can work in tandem to meet your needs seamlessly.

Why Content and App Localization is Key to Your Brand’s Success

  • Increased sales and revenue: Reaching a broader audience translates to more potential customers and increased sales opportunities.
  • Enhanced brand reputation: App Localization demonstrates a commitment to understanding and respecting your user base. This builds your brand trust and loyalty.
  • Improved user experience: Users who feel understood and catered to are more likely to be satisfied and engaged with your app and consequently your brand.
  • Competitive advantage: By prioritizing localization, you gain an edge over competitors who overlook the importance of cultural sensitivity.

Partnering for Success

Mind Studios and LAT Multilingual team up to offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help you navigate the localization process. From app and software development that anticipates future language needs to expert translation and marketing adaptation, we’ll work with you to create a digital experience that resonates with your multicultural audience right from the first click.

Contact us to discuss your app development and localization needs.

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