How App Localization Boosts Your Brand Sales and Reach

2024-08-13T12:18:12-07:00July 30th, 2024|Marketing and Communications Strategy, Translation and Localization|

Digital marketing can reach a global audience. However, high-quality localization is essential to truly resonate with users across cultures. Mind Studios, a software company with a decade of experience in developing IT products and LAT Multilingual, a Canadian-based translation, marketing and localization agency with over 20 years of experience in helping businesses reach diverse audiences in North America, are joining forces to explore the crucial role app localization plays in making consumers feel understood, and valued, and ultimately, driving sales.

What is the difference between translation and interpretation?

2023-06-01T12:05:49-07:00April 10th, 2023|Interpretation, Translation and Localization, Website Translation & Localization|

Does your organization need interpretation services, translation services, or both? "Translation" and "Interpretation” are two terms that often get mixed up. Although both are part of the language industry, they each have their own unique mandate. Here are the key differences between them.

The Importance of Humour in Communication: Why We Don’t Always Get the Joke

2022-11-16T11:42:31-08:00November 8th, 2022|Cultural Marketing, Multiculturalism, Translation and Localization|

It can be a challenge to communicate with a sense of humour in a diverse and multicultural society. Humour relies on words and phrases that are unexpected, playful, absurd, or ridiculous for their effect. Wordplays (puns), double-meanings, irony, satire, sarcasm, slapstick, or references shared by a common group can be lost in translation and can lead to misunderstandings. It is important to understand your audience when transcreating or transposing content.

Plus ça change – What you need to know about French language law updates in Canada

2022-11-16T12:04:15-08:00April 21st, 2022|Bilingual Packaging, Marketing and Communications Strategy, Quebec Market, Translation and Localization|

If your company does business in Quebec or is planning to enter the Canadian market, you should know about important changes and updates coming to language laws in Canada. The provincial governments of Quebec and Ontario, and the federal government have all brought forward legislation to protect and encourage the use of French, particularly in the workplace.

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