The category highlights the importance of multicultural marketing in Canada and how marketers can attract audiences from different cultures with personalization.

In Photos: Downtown Bhangra at the City of Bhangra Festival

2023-02-24T11:24:34-08:00June 11th, 2014|Cultural Observances, Multicultural Marketing, Multiculturalism|

This year marked the 10th Anniversary of the City of Bhangra Festival in Vancouver. From May 29th-June 7th, thousands of people came to the festival’s many events around the city to celebrate and, being lovers of bhangra ourselves, LAT Multilingual decided to explore this dynamic festival. We captured some moments of #bhangralove from its concluding Downtown Bhangra celebration on June 7th.

Québec – Land of Welcome and Sharing

2021-05-14T16:20:19-07:00May 22nd, 2014|Multiculturalism|

Québec was forged by the courage and ardour of the first settlers. Without knowing exactly what awaited them, they agreed to cross an ocean in a wooden boat, in extremely difficult conditions. No sooner had they arrived, weakened by the months-long crossing, than they had to adapt to face a capricious climate with the widest range of seasonal temperatures in the world.

How to Build a Chinese Website, with Text, Images & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2022-09-08T20:52:20-07:00April 28th, 2014|Cultural Marketing, Website Translation & Localization|

The most important thing for North American companies that want to promote their business in China is to create a website in Chinese that matches the reading habits of Chinese people. Want to know the secrets to a great website designed for about 600 million Chinese users? The expert advice below is sure to help and offer inspiration.

From Our CEO: Multicultural Marketing or The Art of Engagement

2022-09-08T20:52:23-07:00January 30th, 2014|Cultural Marketing|

In communities like Brampton and Markham in Greater Toronto, or Richmond and Surrey in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland, there are enough customers and employers who speak specific non-official languages to allow immigrants to earn a living in their native language. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, if you’re a B2B company, it makes sense to engage with these businesses in their own language - that's multicultural marketing.

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