Solving the Transcreation Equation
Bad translations of product names, slogans, and branding seem like hilarious corporate blunders that you would never make.
Bad translations of product names, slogans, and branding seem like hilarious corporate blunders that you would never make.
Last week, Lemaire, an upscale fashion brand created by former [...]
All markets are multicultural now. To keep up, your business needs to be multilingual as well. The ability to reach across language, culture and technological barriers is critical, whether your customer base is local or global. But it’s much deeper than just translating words. Fashion, history, culture, and technology all play important roles in marketing to diverse communities. Multicultural marketing agencies such as LAT help you meet these evolving challenges; ensuring the meaning of your message does not get lost in translation. Here are some tips to make sure your multicultural marketing is a success.
Melkin Yelidet Beaal! С Рождеством! Kala Christouyenna! Merry Christmas! The team at LAT Multilingual wishes you all the best for your holiday season. To celebrate, we’re looking at a few different ways Christmas is celebrated around the world. It’s not all turkey and visits from Santa!
LAT strongly believes that learning more about different cultures leads to greater empathy and understanding. We're very thankful to Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), who generously provided us with a list of resources so that we could learn more about Canada's Inuit languages.
This year's National Day for Truth and Reconciliation provides an opportunity to reflect upon the legacy of residential schools in Canada and the importance for all of us to understand the challenges and pain this has inflicted upon Canada’s Aboriginal communities.
Gift giving can be a great way to build relationships, but only if done correctly. We provide 8 tips for Chinese gift giving.
In diverse markets such as Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal, reaching customers effectively requires a deep understanding of each demographic: their most popular media, cultural preferences, important dates and celebrations, community events, trending topics, and more.
Diversity isn't about checking off a box showing you have a woman or a person of colour in your ad — it's about authentically connecting with your audiences.