French Canadian Translation Services for Litehouse Foods

Litehouse is a leading producer and marketer of refrigerated products such as salad dressings, cheeses, dips, sauces and freeze-dried herbs in the U.S. To expand into the Canadian market Litehouse sought the help of a professional translation company, LAT, to provide French Canadian translation services for their products.
Scope of Work for Translation Services:
Since 2018, LAT has been responsible for translating various materials for Litehouse including packaging and labels, sales materials and website content into French. LAT also assists the Litehouse team with quality assurance, regulatory compliance and proofing of packaging after layout.
Critical Aspects:
Consistency of French translation, file management and version control are all critical aspects of the work we do for Litehouse. LAT Multilingual guarantees all translations are of high quality with a three-step process that includes translation, thorough proofreading and quality assurance.
Partnership with Litehouse for Translation Services:
Litehouse is a 100% employee-owned company that values its workers and the communities where it operates. As a values-oriented company, Litehouse found a good fit with LAT which is committed to providing ethical and high-quality French translation services to its clients. The partnership between Litehouse and LAT has helped the former find success in the Canadian market.