Gateway Theatre

Located in Richmond, BC, Gateway Theatre is a not-for-profit organization which seeks to enrich quality of life in the community by creating outstanding professional theatre and providing a dynamic hub for the performing arts.
Given that more than 50% of Richmond residents are Chinese, Gateway Theatre asked LAT to develop a custom cultural training program that would help them better understand the needs and expectations of local Chinese residents as they pertain to theatre, so they can provide programs and services that provide broad appeal.
Our training session comprised two 1.5 hour modules exploring Chinese culture and perceptions of theatre, current trends, areas for opportunity and the unique attributes of the Chinese digital landscape. Questions and discussion took place after the session, ensuring participants were able to have their specific questions answered.
LAT is also helping Gateway Theatre with set up of personal and business WeChat accounts so that they can better communicate with Chinese locals.
Thank you for a very informative session. You have definitely offered us a perspective that challenges our assumptions so it is prompting us to re-think our approaches! Very valuable insight.
Elizabeth Ho
Development Manager
Gateway Theatre