LAT is proud to have affiliations with the following organizations that aim to support and promote diversity in Canada and worldwide:

The translation industry is constantly in need of new talent. LAT is thrilled to do its part in encouraging students to pursue their passion for languages and becoming professional translators. We are proud to sponsor the Translation Games, taking place in March at Laval University. This non-profit event is an excellent opportunity for young translators to learn, compete, and network with industry professionals.

The Slator Language Service Provider Index (LSPI) is an index of the world’s translation, localization, interpreting, and language technology providers. LAT Multilingual is proud to be listed in the Boutique category.
We are a member of WEConnect International, a global network that connects women-owned businesses to qualified buyers around the world. WEConnect International envisions a world in which women have the same opportunities as men to design and implement business solutions that create wealth and the sustainable prosperity of their communities.
We are a member of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC). TIAC is responsible for representing tourism interests at the national level, and its advocacy work involves promoting and supporting policies, programs and activities that will benefit the sector’s growth and development.

We are a member of the Canadian Inbound Tourism Association Plus. CITAP+ brings the Canadian tourism market to the entire world by connecting Receptive Tour Operators (RTOs) with suppliers and Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs).
We are member of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, a not-for-profit organization that represents companies that are active in the marketing of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in Canada from the farm gate to the dinner plate.
We are member of the Canadian Health Food Association, Canada’s largest trade association dedicated to natural health and organic products. CHFA represents members from across the country who are dedicated to helping Canadians live healthier and happier lives, naturally.
We are a member of the Canadian Language Industry Association, a not-for-profit association whose mission is to promote and increase the competitiveness of the Canadian language industry nationally and globally through advocacy, accreditation, and information sharing.

We are a member of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, a broad-based non-profit membership association that celebrates over 90 years of commitment to making Richmond, BC the most prosperous and favourable place to do business. It serves as a catalyst and unifying body for the driving forces of the Richmond economy and is actively engaged in key sectors of economic development.