3 key aspects of marketing to diverse marketplaces

The Deloitte white paper 2021 Market Trends for Canadian Businesses* lists “uncertainty” as the primary consideration businesses faced last year. This trend has grown even stronger in 2022, with war joining the pandemic and climate change as one of the big influencers of global markets. To respond to these uncertain times, the report suggests three key strategies. Respond, adapt, and connect. Here’s how a multicultural marketing plan can help you meet all three challenges.


Did you know that your Facebook campaign is not reaching Chinese locals? Given that mainstream platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are blocked in China, newcomers continue to use the apps they are most used to when relocating: WeChat, Weibo, RED, and more. To help non-Chinese marketers better understand WeChat, which is used by the large majority of Chinese people, LAT has introduced a WeChat Marketing Course.

Learn WeChat’s key features with LAT

To engage with Chinese customers, understanding WeChat is essential. We’ll show you how to set up your account, use key features, and take advantage of various advertising options.

“Engaging with customer on WeChat is critical to boost your visibility and increase sales opportunities with Chinese locals, says Tianran Wu, marketing coordinator at LAT. “Our program takes you through the essential steps to leverage this marketing tool. We also provide you with an overview of other options you can use to broaden your reach with Chinese markets.”

Whether you are a beginner just starting out with WeChat or an experienced user, you are bound to pick up some interesting tips to boost your visibility and increase sales opportunities with LAT’s WeChat training.

LAT WeChat Training Services


If you’ve been launching your marketing campaigns as English-only, it’s time to adapt. Start your next project with a multilingual approach for maximum efficiency and reach. This is a crucial strategy for accessing modern, diverse populations with increasing spending power. Linguistics research indicates nearly three-quarters of Internet users speak a language other than English and they will stay on a website twice as long if the site is in their own language. To build authenticity and trust, your branding must deliver in the language of choice for local markets.

Consumers in emerging markets want the same online experience as English speakers.

Offering a multilingual website broadens your customer base, helps your search engine rankings, and showcases your organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. LAT provides quality translation and localization services by in-market translators with experience working on a wide variety of website and intranet projects, including languages that require right to left formatting.

LAT website translation and localization

Translation & Localization services Canada


Connections are the currency of our time. Good communication is a proven path to meaningful connections. A multicultural strategy, reaching your potential audiences in the languages of their choice, is an effective communications tactic.

“This is an exciting time right now,” says LAT Vice-President Julie Wong-Gravend. “There are so many opportunities for companies ready to embrace a multilingual approach to business. It’s gratifying to see how we are helping our clients connect with new markets thanks to our effective multicultural marketing, translation, transcreation, and adaptation services.”

Expand your brand’s reach, to diverse audiences in Canada and beyond.

Get in touch with LAT to find out how we can help you succeed with your multicultural marketing efforts.

*Read the full Deloitte report: 2021 Market Trends for Canadian Businesses

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